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Ihre Majestät Königin Romana Didulo
des Königreichs Kanada

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HRH Ihre Königliche Majestät Königin Romana Didulo,
Staatsoberhaupt und Oberbefehlshaber,
Regierungschef, Nationaler Indigener Häuptling,
Präsident und Königin des Königreichs Kanada

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Join us here on Mondays to learn more about the Kingdom of Canada's Ministers and their duties to We The People of the Kingdom of Canada.

A new Kingdom of Canada Minister will be featured each week, along with updates on exciting changes taking place in the Kingdom of Canada and around the world.

- Coming Soon - You will be able to directly contact the Kingdom of Canada's Ministers.  They welcome your questions and suggestions
and look forward to hearing from you.

New video presentations will be posted each week on Monday. A recent interview is shown below.  Previous videos can be found
Her Excellency Tennyson Park, Minister of Oceans and Fisheries

- Coming soon -

Click here to read Her Majesty Queen Romana's Official Royal Decrees.
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